viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014


Hello everybody! Have you ever visited a new place and needed some help? The most important thing is communication and patience, or maybe a map?

In the English class of 1st ESO we have prepared some funny videos and we have learnt about the importance of communication. These lovely students made all the decorations and they brought clothes, hats, glasses...

The city

Putting some traffic lights...

Don't you think it is awesome?

The shopping centre

Some clothes...


Watch out these videos and you will learn how to ask for directions in the city. 


Melodie needs to get to the cake shop and Lucía gives the directions.

María del Mar wants to go to the shopping centre, Claudia gives the directions and then, María del Mar meets her friend Paula and they go shopping together.


Hello everyone!!!!
We are the sixth level pupils.
We did an activity called "Running dictation" with the teacher Yolanda.

This activity consists of reading, running and telling English sentences from the "Lorax" film song to another classmate for him or her to copy them on the notebook.
We are ready for coppying!

And we are ready for reading and remembering!
We have to be the fastest.
If we want to learn and win we have to run.
We exchange roles.

First we copy and then we run.

Coppying, running, changing, remembering, smiling,.......enjoying!!!

TRY ON!!!!!!!

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014


Tuomas Holopainen

"A lifetime of adventure" (official video)

"A lifetime of adventure" (with LYRICS)

ENJOY IT!!!!!!

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014


What are we wearing?

I´m wearing a pink shirt, a black skirt and black hills.
I´m not wearing a bracelet or a hat.
                             By Montse.

 I´m wearing a t-shirt, a skirt and black shoes.
I´m not wearing a coat or a jacket.

By Elena

I´m wearing a red t-shirt, dark blue trausers and blue tainers.
I´m not wearing a belt or a scarf.
                                        By Javi

I´m wearing a light brown shirt, shorts and black big shoes.
I´m not wearing earrings or a hat.

By Yeray

I´m wearing a black skirt, a grey belt and black hills.
I´m not earing jeans or a bracelet.
                        By María

I´m wearing a blue dress, black hills and earrings.
I´m not wearing a watch, a shirt or a jacket.
                             By Paula

I´m wearing black jeans, orange trainers and a blue jacket.
I´m not wearing a belt or a scarf.
                                     By Manu

I´m wearing a blue dress, white hills and a silver crown.
I´m not wearing a bracelet or a skirt.
                                   By María

I´m wearing a blue shirt, white trousers and white shoes.
I´m not wearing a skirt or a dress.
                                By Isaías 

I´m wearing a blue t-shirt, blue shorts and trainers.
I´m not wearing a hat or boots.
                                                    By Alex 

 This is the teacher Yolanda.
She´s wearing a spotted shirt, white trousers, white sandals, a bracelet, a watch, earrings, glasses, a badge, a scarf and a belt.
She is not wearing a dress or boots.
By the third level class.
                                                                                                        I´m wearing a red t-shirt, shorts and brown trainers.
I´m not wearing a jacket or a belt.
                By Juanmi

I´m wearing a pink t-shirt, trousers and orange trainers.
I´m not wearing a jacket or earrings.
                       By Jesús 

 This is the teacher Loli.
She´s wearing a white shirt, blue jeans,pink sandals, two bracelets and glasses.
She´s not wearing a jacket, boots or a scarf.
               By the third level pupils


Hello everyone!!!
Do you like reading?
It's fantastic. We read English books in the school playground and it's very fun.
We read about animals, plants, places, clothes,....
This book is entitled "Monkey puzzle" and we learnt a lot about monkeys, butterflies, parrots, snakes and some other animals.
Reading in the playground is cool! Try it!!!

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014



El pasado viernes 4 de abril de 2014, nuestro centro participó con tres concursantes en este evento. La experiencia fue fantástica, a parte de que disfrutaron de una visita guiada por la Universidad de Almería con tres de sus profesores/as. 

Una vez allí, fueron llamando por centros a todos los participantes, situándolos en aulas de nuestra Universidad. ¡Había alumnos/as de muchísimos centros almerienses!

Nuestros ilusionados participantes:
Antonio J.
Mª Eduarda

Tuvieron que redactar un relato inspirado en un periódico muy divertido que les regalaron a cada uno de ellos/as (en la Biblioteca de nuestro colegio tenéis un ejemplar para que todos y todas podáis disfrutarlo también). ¡Mirad qué portada tan graciosa y ocurrente! 

"Desaparecen misteriosamente todos los diccionarios del planeta"; la historia que redactaron debía basarse o inspirarse en esta idea... ¿Difícil? ¿Intrigante? ¿Indescifrable? 
¡Prueba a crear tú un relato!

Al terminar sus relatos, les dieron una merienda y nos fuimos a pasear por la Universidad para que conocieran este lugar y lo apreciaran. ¿A qué no sabéis qué decían? Es lo que estáis pensando:"Queremos estudiar y llegar aquí, para disfrutar de todo esto y aprender"

Exposición de Arte de la Sala Bioclimática

Junto a la Biblioteca

¡Los profes también disfrutamos!

Espero que os haya gustado la crónica de aquel día, ellos absorbieron todo lo que pudieron de esta experiencia... ¿os animáis los demás a participar en próximos concursos?

"Si lo intentas puedes no ganar, si no lo intentas ya has perdido"